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Authpoint Hardware Token available for Middle East and Africa Region
24 Apr

Authpoint Hardware Token available for Middle East and Africa Region


AuthPoint’s time-based, one-time password (OTP) hardware token is a sealed electronic device designed to generate secure OTPs every 30 seconds that businesses can use as an alternative to the mobile token to authenticate into protected resources.

WatchGuard hardware tokens are ready to use and can provide an additional source of protection for businesses when mobile device use is limited or restricted. Plus, token seeds are never exported or exposed! The entire authentication process is Cloud-based, which means sensitive data is not exposed.

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Although mobile-based authentication is more popular and, in many cases, more secure, there are many scenarios where hardware tokens are required or preferred.

  • Accessing locations where authentication is required, but mobile use is restricted, like hospitals
  • Tough environments, like mines or oil platforms
  • Companies with policies that limit or restrict use of personal mobile device for security purposes


  • Ready to use with a one-step activation process
  • 3-year warranty, 7+ year life expectancy
  • Water resistant
  • Automatically provisioned through WatchGuard Cloud

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